At the Museum of the Future in Dubai, Studio Galerija 12 embarked on an extraordinary journey of design and innovation with the help of a talented industrial designer, Nikola Mraovic from Opteam. Nikola assumed an important role in shaping the Hope space station, lending his creative touch to three of its five crucial segments. Beyond the design, he dedicated his expertise to meticulous modeling and careful preparation for production, ensuring that every detail of this groundbreaking project met the highest standards.
But that's not all. In a nod to the young explorers of the future, Nikola also took on the delightful task of designing space helmets and space bears—adorable toys intended to accompany children on their cosmic adventures. His work extended from the initial concept and modeling to the thorough preparation for production and even the vigilant oversight of product assembly, ensuring that these space companions would bring joy and wonder to the little astronauts of tomorrow.
Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the entire design team at Gallery 12, whose unwavering support and valuable contributions were instrumental in bringing this vision to life. Together, we have pushed the boundaries of imagination, forging new paths for future generations of dreamers and innovators.
Studio Galerija 12
Creative Director: Dorijan Kolundzija
Project Lead: Milorad Pejanovic
Art Department
Design Department
IT Department